'Baby killer' shouted at Democrat after bill's passage

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Jun 14, 2006
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Someone shouted "baby killer" Sunday as an anti-abortion Democratic congressman was speaking on the House floor shortly after the chamber passed a sweeping health care reform bill with his help.

It wasn't clear from whom the shout came.

Rep. Bart Stupak, who opposed the bill over its abortion language until he reached a deal with the White House on Sunday, was speaking against a Republican motion to effectively kill the passed legislation Sunday night when several congressmen shouted him down.

As the speaker asked for the interruptions to stop, someone yelled "baby killer."

Congressmen groaned, and someone shouted, "Who said that?"

Just days earlier, Stupak, D-Michigan, was a hero of anti-abortion House Republicans who opposed the health-care bill. Stupak led a group of other anti-abortion Democrats who rejected the bill because they said it would allow federal funding for abortions beyond the current limits of cases of rape, incest or if the mother's life is in danger.

The objection threatened to scuttle the bill's chances in the House. But on Sunday, Obama struck a deal with the anti-abortion Democrats, saying he would issue an executive order to ensure that existing limits on federal funding of abortion remain in place.

That won the support of the anti-abortion Democrats, and the bill passed Sunday night on a 219-212 vote.

After the bill passed, Republicans introduced a motion that sought to send the bill back to committee and amend its abortion language using the kind of wording that Stupak originally wanted. Stupak spoke against the motion, leading to the shouts from some Republicans.

Stupak told the chamber that the president's executive order would assure that "the sanctity of life is protected," and that the motion was "nothing more than an opportunity to continue to deny 32 million Americans health care."

"For the Republicans to now claim that we send the bill back to committee under this guise of protecting life is disingenuous," Stupak said. "This motion is really to politicize life, not prioritize life."

The motion did not pass.

The "baby killer" outburst came about six months after Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, yelled "you lie" to Obama during the president's speech to Congress. The House passed a resolution that month admonishing Wilson.

'Baby killer' shouted at Democrat after bill's passage - CNN.com

What a shame that some seem to believe that the way to gain credibility is to act like a savage.:roll:
I don't think we should be paying for abortion. Private companies and charity funding can though.
I don't think we should be paying for abortion. Private companies and charity funding can though.

Read the bill.

The question here is, should politicians be engaging in such juvenile and partisan tactics rather than engaging in productive discussion?
Just stating my opinion so it will clear to people whatever the bill says.
Just stating my opinion so it will clear to people whatever the bill says.

The bill happens to agree with your opinion. You are aware of that?

Now, back to the behavior of this individual.
I guess the appropriate outburst would have been, "BABY KILLER ENABLER!!!" ???
I realized that yesterday (remember I mentioned that some people weren't happy with the bill because of the abortion... and I was referring to liberals because Republicans would not be happy about the bill being passed in general). Although I wasn't sure, I'm not a good "bill" reader.

I don't really care about this person's behavior
I realized that yesterday (remember I mentioned that some people weren't happy with the bill because of the abortion). Although I wasn't sure, I'm not a good "bill" reader.

I don't really care about this person's behavior

And that is one of the biggest problems in the debate. Justifying the unjustifiable.
Hey, keep going guys. The destruction of the conservative position is eminent with the behavior we are seeing.:laugh2: The GOP doesn't need to worry about those outside the party. Those inside are doing sufficient damage to destroy it.:laugh2:
Read the bill.

The bill means nothing... History will enlighten us on all things factual. In fact, tax dollars are already used to "enable" those who wish to terminate the life of an unborn child.
The bill means nothing... History will enlighten us on all things factual. In fact, tax dollars are already used to "enable" those who wish to terminate the life of an unborn child.


I love it when statements are so far out there it isn't even necessary to refute them. They do the work for me.
"Planned Parenthood receives about a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($349.6 million in FY 2008). In the 2007–08 Annual Report, clinic income totaled $374.7 million and miscellaneous operating revenues $68.9 million. Planned Parenthood is also heavily sponsored by private individuals, with over 700,000 active individual contributors.[7] Large donors such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contribute a substantial part of the organization's budget.[8] Pro-life groups have long advocated the boycott of these private organizations.
Some pro-life organizations have lobbied federal lawmakers to halt government funding for Planned Parenthood.[9]"

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you are just having too much fun with this for your own political gain.

My own political gain? And what exactly is it that I stand to gain politically?

My intent is to insure that the information allowing those who wish to inform themselves is readily available so that they do not go through life hanging onto false and erroneous beliefs. People who truly want to know will access the links. Those that simply want to argue for argument's sake, and remain ill informed, will do so. It's a choice available to all.
Women's Rights are already protected in this country. I guess Fox News is behind the times.

no, woman's right to access healthcare. oh and I do think abortions will be cover under medical insurance... like medicines, IV, etc.
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