A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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Weather is definitely March weather...chilly and wet!!
It is sunny here and it is supposed to get into the low 60's today. We'll see. I'm looking forward to warmer spring weather! I'm sick of winter!
The sun is shining through the blinds and it is gorgeous but the sidewalk is still cold (yes Im too Californian for shoes) brr!
Sunny, fluffy clouds, gentle breezes and nice. 68 outside and wonderful. Son and Hubby went and play 4 games of racquetball. Daughter is mowing the yard and then will take her 5 mile bike ride. All is good. (for the most part)
Sunny, fluffy clouds, gentle breezes and nice. 68 outside and wonderful. Son and Hubby went and play 4 games of racquetball. Daughter is mowing the yard and then will take her 5 mile bike ride. All is good. (for the most part)

The grass is getting greener! Glad it is finally warming up.

With the wind blowing I have only two windows opened and very nice crisp air blowing through.

Need to do some spring cleaning. But will wait til the wind dies down. Since it is blowing dust.
hmmm, I have nothing to say. Surprised?

:giggle: What made you speechless? Come on spill it...... :cool2:

Went for the walk in the woods anyway and posted a pic of my youngest godson in the picture thread (for those interested). See ya :wave:
Grrrr......I should be asleep, but can't. Sometimes when some things happen that leave a lot on my mind that I just can't sleep until I come up with the solution. I guess I have an insecurity of coming across a situation that I do not have a solution for. I get perplexing questions or theories about my job sometimes and cannot do anything until I get solution or have resolution of it. Why can I just not let some things go?! freak! :mad2:

well - one of these day... you're going to have to learn to say "I don't know" and then move on with no regret.
My felt like death earlier... I really should have worn my own shoes. :(
I finally got rid of my headache I've had all day.
getting quite aggravated with no water for past 24+ hrs
Can somebody get me skittles sour candy pretttttty pleasssssssse?
*groan* It was so difficult waking up this am because of the time change yesterday. At least leave work 2 hours early for my son's IEP meeting but I have a class tonight. Ughhhhhhh!!!
*groan* It was so difficult waking up this am because of the time change yesterday. At least leave work 2 hours early for my son's IEP meeting but I have a class tonight. Ughhhhhhh!!!

I hear you, it was hard to get up. I have school tonight as well, its exciting learn something new tonight:)
Wirelessly posted

I slept so well last night! I actually feel alive again! :)
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