Most Disturbing Movies

I am not a big fan of Horror movies. I do watch some of them.

Hills Have Eyes was too unrealistic for me. So in my mind, fearing that it will happen is unrealistic as well.

Realistic movies, are the ones I ponder, and actually get a sense of fear off of.
Saw Oldboy, Videodrome, El Topo, Exorcist, Requiem for a Dream, and A Clockwork Orange.

Coincidentally, the last 3 movies I listed are one of the top 20 of my fave movies of all time......

Any movie by Jodorowsky (I also saw Fando y Lis and Holy Moutain) is PRETTY disturbing..

Thanks for the link, now I want to see the rest of the list!!!
im not huge fans of horror movie!

when i watch snake in the plane for first times and makes me so scary! im rather not get dvd of snake in the plane its hell of movie!
These movies are not really SCARY, they are just... really disturbing. Yes a few of them are horror movies, but most are just..... plain creepy and/or disturbing.
ive never seen any of those and only heard of a couple of them. if its the MOST disturbing... what about Dr. Giggles?? or Faces of Death? that was bad.
I've seen...

The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
The Exorcist
A Clockwork Orange
Requiem for a Dream
Jacob's Ladder
The Strangers

I remember seeing Jacob's Ladder when I was in high school. That was a freaky movie, especially with all of those weird people crawling all over the place and the guy shaking his head to the sound of a helicopter. :eek:
ive never seen any of those and only heard of a couple of them. if its the MOST disturbing... what about Dr. Giggles?? or Faces of Death? that was bad.

Faces of Death!! I remember that one!

OMG! That was horrible! I could not finish watching it! It was totally disturbing. :cold:
Faces of Death!! I remember that one!

OMG! That was horrible! I could not finish watching it! It was totally disturbing. :cold:
I've seen all 6 of Faces of Death. I've also seen Faces of Torture and Rages of Death.
The most disturbing horror movies I've ever seen were -

Wrong Turn and Wrong Turn 2. It was just too disgusting and graphic but at same time, the storyline is what makes it kinda fascinating.
On the list I only seen 'The Exorcist' that movie scare the shit out me. :Ohno:
I saw The Exorcist as a kid and had nightmares for six months after. I have not seen any of the others.
Not all of them are horror movies...there are actually some drama movies that can be disturbing as well. I've seen Hard Candy and it wasnt really scary...just rather disturbing in some ways but honestly I didnt really find anything disturbing in that one...thou I actually thought it was really good. Even thou it was a totally twisted movie, but amazing in so many ways.
Vampy, I never seen the director's cut I don't know if I want to see it :shock:
I checked out the link and that list is composed of some really medicore films. I own a few on DVD but other then Last House.. Left I wouldn't really commended too many of those films for ppl seeking "distubing". My roomie and I (See my profile photo) watched Cannibal Halocaust and that was a huge let down.Cannibal Ferox/Make Em Die Slowly is I preferred cannibal film. Sure it came out a few years after CH but it's still the castration scene is so realistic I had to watch it 3 times just to be certain they didn't chop off that dudes penis.

Anyway, Inside, which is part of the The French New Wave of Horror is one of the most brutal and disturbing movies I've seen ever. The French have basically owned the horror genre since 2003's High Tension, Them was released a few years later followed by Inside and Frontiere(s). All worth watching if you're fed up with unnecessary remakes, sequels and "torture porn"

I have high expectations for Martyrs also which is dropping soon.
I saw the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre years ago and I wasn't able to close my eyes without seeing terrible things for days after.
OH good. I'm going to add which one I haven't seen.... in my netflix listing!