Audiological abuse

Has anyone ever delibrately made loud noises in or near your microphone?

  • Yes with HA.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Yes with CI.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes with both CI and HA.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Other.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
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What I mean by this is someone delibrately making an uncomfortably loud noise into microphone in either hearing aid or CI with the sole purpose of causing you discomfort. I've had this happen to me with hearing aid and I was just curious if anyone else had?
Too numerous times to count especially when I was a kid.
No, hasn't happened to me (yet, knock on wood). People either tend to forget I have it on or take the time to look at me and enunciate. I have been lucky, I guess, but hearing loss has only happened in the last three years...
No, but I used to do it delibrataly to drive people crazy. I used to be able to do a dead on imitation of the emergency broadcast system!
i voted no but i think my bf does sometimes but not REALLY loud. ..and my lil cousin but hes 2 and doesnt know what the heck an ha does lol
No, but if their HA squeeled feedback, I would jokingly tell them their lie detector went off.. :)
I've never experienced audiological abuse, but I did have an experience that came close to it. Back in my hearing aid days, a classmate of mine picked up my FM system mic and spoke into it so loudly that I nearly jumped out of my chair. Once she saw the look on my face, she apologized repeatedly and told me she didn't mean for that to happen. Oops! LOL.
my answer says NO!

i never near mircophone or whatsoever because im deaf i cant hear what says
I know someone who was having a tympanogram (spelling?) - no, it was not an audiogram, this is what she told me, before anybody says anything! - and the audiologist, who she had not seen before, played the sounds a lot louder than she expected in her ears. She complained her usual audiologist who she saw not long after, and the audiologist told this person I know, who is actually studying for Au.D and wears hearing aids, that the matter would be "investigated", but as far as I know, this person I know has not heard from the hospital where this happened.
The only thing that happens to me once in awhile is my HAs will go off if someone hugs me and it scares the hell out of them :lol:
What I mean by this is someone delibrately making an uncomfortably loud noise into microphone in either hearing aid or CI with the sole purpose of causing you discomfort. I've had this happen to me with hearing aid and I was just curious if anyone else had?

I had forgotten about that! Yes, it happened to me once when I was 15 or 16, by an obese schoolmate. He walked up behind me, put his lips close to my hearing aid, and yelled, "DAVID!" He did it several times. My repeated requests for him to stop failed. During one class I yelled at him, "Hey, Joe! I'm not gonna sleep over! Quit asking me!" The entire classroom erupted into laughter and he was pissed! A few days later I told him that if he screamed in my ear like that again, I would make the same announcements in our other classes. He left me alone after that.
Hell, I use to let my friend wear my HA and then they was like say something. I would go "WHAT!" They would just start laughing hard as they was taking it off! LOL

We was a bunch of kidders back in the days and we still do. It gets physical sometime but we like to play rough even if it draws some blood! LOL
Hell, I use to let my friend wear my HA and then they was like say something. I would go "WHAT!" They would just start laughing hard as they was taking it off! LOL

We was a bunch of kidders back in the days and we still do. It gets physical sometime but we like to play rough even if it draws some blood! LOL

It's germ if you let your friend wear your ha.