Who wear hearing aid? one or two?


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May 14, 2008
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If one, which left or right?. I wear two hearing aid. what kind? analog or digitial. mine's analog. next year, I'm getting digitial. (curious, how's digital sounds like?). What do you hear? i hear music, TV, phone, people talking in background, etc. Do you have trouble hear some people talk to you because of the background noise. My hearing aid is not so perfect but I can still hear it. I wear hearing aid since I was 8-9 yrs old.
I have 2. I grew up w/ only one so I was mostly deaf in my left ear growing up. I did fine. I have 2 now. I can't explain the difference between analog vs digital. My audiologist tells me that I like to program my digitals to sound like analog. I think he means there is no compression in the analogs. No directional mics either in the analog
I have 2. I grew up w/ only one so I was mostly deaf in my left ear growing up. I did fine. I have 2 now. I can't explain the difference between analog vs digital. My audiologist tells me that I like to program my digitals to sound like analog. I think he means there is no compression in the analogs. No directional mics either in the analog

If that's the case, and there's nothing wrong with that except, by sticking to analog aids, you're gonna save probably in the area of at least half the money over digitals.
I have 2. I grew up w/ only one so I was mostly deaf in my left ear growing up. I did fine. I have 2 now. I can't explain the difference between analog vs digital. My audiologist tells me that I like to program my digitals to sound like analog. I think he means there is no compression in the analogs. No directional mics either in the analog

really, hmm. thanks.
2 to 16 years old 2 bte aids, both analogue.
16 to 22 worn one analogue aid in right, In my left ear i suffers from recurring infections and bad tinnitus.
22 til 29 Digital in right ear
30 years old 3 different digitals (widex, sienmans, oction)..... then analogue..... no good now having CI in 3 weeks time :D .
1 to 4 years old both ears analog these box like an bra on you..was proud of my early 'bra' :giggle: like mommy
4 to 10 both ears analogs BTE's switched a lot of brands...one brand was Siemens , never helped..

then only left ear analog don't remember which one..right one deaf..then at 16 switched to Widex P38 ( does anyone has it here ) till a month ago that got implanted at my good ear..now wear Freedom BTE..heavy thing that!!
I still wear one hearing aid since 2.5 years old .... the old analog and hope to replace it sometime soon.
2 to 26 years old - analogs, pretty much all from Oticion, always wore two
26 to 29 - Siemens Triano SP $4000 for the pair. Digitals.

To me - there is NO difference between the digitals and the analog. The only slight thing does help is that you can adjust what you're hearing. Sorta like programming an EQ for music. However, mine was pretty maxed out at all levels. Only can hear from 30db at the lows, then drops when it's near the high frequencies/pitches.

Now - I'm bilateral and hearing everything on the 10db line, including the high frequency. BIG difference. :)
I used to have digital hearing aids for both ears until three years ago, I lost all of my hearing in my right ear. Then 1 year and half ago, I lost it all in my left ear. Prior to digital hearing aids, I used to wear analog BTE. When the switch came for the digital hearing aids, I loved it! But now I wear CI on my left ear. It's still a learning process for me.
Here's my history of hearing aid brands/use:

1985-1990: Phonic Ear analog BTEs

1990-1995: Oticon 380P analog BTEs (This pair of HAs was still working perfectly up until the day I received my second CI in 2006. :))

1995-2004: Oticon DigiFocus super power digital BTEs (I never did care for these aids. :()

2004: Nucleus 24 Contour Advance CI (left ear)

2006: Nucleus Freedom CI (right ear)
2 digital HA's. Like it better because it has few program including the one that filter out all the noise such as a party while conversing.
I wears one hearing aid Oticon Sumo DM which is configured as an analog. Digital hearing aid don't work for me.
I usually wear one ha, which is a Siemens digital. If I have to do a lot of telephone work, then I'd wear both as a precaution; one using telecoil mode whilst other allows me to hear sound around my working environment.

I was told new ha's can automatically switch between telecoil and other modes... I guess I will need to buy a new ha when I get money.
Starky make's a high powered CIC. They are the only ones that have high power CIC. I wear em and they don't sound any different than my BTE oticons that I stupidly threw out at the car wash by accident. My dispenser know's the owner.
Starky make's a high powered CIC. They are the only ones that have high power CIC. I wear em and they don't sound any different than my BTE oticons that I stupidly threw out at the car wash by accident. My dispenser know's the owner.

I have to have BTE but I am glad. The earmolds I have now are soft silicone. Years ago I used to have terrible pain and infections from the hard plastic skeleton molds. I would not want to stick a casing with a bunch of hardware into my ear.

Is it not painful?
If one, which left or right?. I wear two hearing aid. what kind? analog or digitial. mine's analog. next year, I'm getting digitial. (curious, how's digital sounds like?). What do you hear? i hear music, TV, phone, people talking in background, etc. Do you have trouble hear some people talk to you because of the background noise. My hearing aid is not so perfect but I can still hear it. I wear hearing aid since I was 8-9 yrs old.

Wear HA for both ears, digial. Oticon SynchroP. I hear most things OK I guess, understanding is another subject. If noisy I have a hard time understanding person and have to make sure good eye to lip contact. I can hear on phone sometimes, but if any noises not at all. My HA's are "clear/translucent" color BTE models. I only wear HA's for 2 yrs now; I did have perfect hearing until I was 21 (now 30)