E-85 Fuel Experiments on Mower


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Now that I finally have thread! I decided to bring up topic about E-85 which I was off topics on "What is your gas price" thread. Some are curious how Ethanol works with Lawnmower and small engine.

To some who don't know what's E-85 fuel. It's Alcohol by nature. It is a mixture of 85% Ethanol (Mostly corn alcohol, It's actually a "Moonshine" in layman's term) and 15% Gasoline (unleaded to "poison" Ethanol to prevent anyone from drinking it). I'm sure Refiner and Big Oil don't want you to know that LOL (kidding). It is about 108 octane (approximate). It is about 90,400 BTU, Burns cooler than Gasoline, 114,000 BTU

It's consider as a Renewable energy source from Corn. But not always corn, it can derive from several sources such grain, Algae, ect..

E-85 fuel are popping up at gas station across USA, Canada, and other countries. It's a cheap fuel source which is several dimes cheaper than Regular Unleaded (I may be wrong). More new cars and trucks are becoming E-85 compatible or called "Flex Fuel". Older vehicles or any vehicles that do not have Flex Fuel can be converted by buying a "black box" from Fullflex Gold, FlexTek ect. It's a coversation kit which take 15 minutes to do. That's only for Fuel Injected vehicles only (all vehicles already are). It just simply unplugging Fuel Injector jack and plug it to blackbox and jack from blackbox connects back to Fuel Injector. This allow it to "open" the injector longer to allow more Ethanol in Combustion chambers.

Word of Warning:

E-85 is corrosive by nature (it's not like battery acid tho). It can corrodes some metals, solder. It can "melt" some plastics. It can "eat" some rubbers.

Corrosion on metal... I dunno about it. Perhap takes about 300 years to entirely corrodes some metals. No one would keep cars or truck forever anyway.

"Melt" on plastics, Some plastics such as Leggs "egg shell" or hard clear plastic cups can "melt" if poured in and left it for few days. It become stretchy and soft (I'm not talking about stretchable Man Doll back in 70's). I've had this before 25 years ago. I poured hobby red paint (used for Radio Controlled Model) in Leggs shell and use it as a "paint can" and left it there for few days. the bottom became melted and soft. There are test to find out if Plastic gas tank in your vehicle resistant to Ethanol. You can rub E-85 on outside of tank and leave it there for a day or two. If it feels soft. Then don't use it on your tank. If it felt hard as the surrounding area, then it's okay. You will need to remember that SOME Fuel Pumps have plastic impeller (inward propeller) that may melt away by E-85. Fuel Pump can be upgraded if neccessary.

"Eat" rubbers. Just like Chlorine in water eat away your faucet's gasket over the year. Your faucet became leaky and Kitchen spray get clogged from eroded rubber gaskets. Same goes for vehicles. Some rubber hoses for fuel line are not resistant to E-85. It get eaten away and rubber hose or gasket become leaky. There are hoses and gaskets that are resistant to Ethanol to replace original one. Check with Auto Parts or Dealerships.

Most vehicles today have metal, plastic, and rubber that are resistant to Ethanol.

So you must do YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!! IT IS YOUR RISK!! I am not responsible for damage ect!! You decide!!

Now about Lawn mower I mentioned in other thread "what is your gas price". I decided to try experimenting it with Ethanol.

here's my story:

Today, I mowed the lawn w/ little unleaded fuel left in it's tank. After mower died, I filled it half tank with E85 while engine was HOT. I started it and it roars to life no problem. I noticed it was a bit weak (It's nothing tho cuz still cut grass great) and motor runs smoother and exhaust is clean, no smoke and smell nice (I think I smelled corn w/ butter smoke Hee Hee)!! When the bag was full, I set the mower to idle, it died slowly. I decide to tweak the idle setting so it would run normal idle with E85. Because E85 don't burns completely like gasoline.

After I finished mowing lawn, I parked it in garage and left it for an hour to let engine cool off completely for the purpose to test to see if it starts up with COLD engine. It was rather hard to start. I decide to put it in choke and pulled few times then move throttle halfway then start, it did run but died out (remmy that my mower is over 6 or 7 years old tho). My old mower need to have choke fixed cuz it's not fully closed. Also I might have to adjust the jet inside carburator (it may be capped permanently but worth try take out plug where jet screw hidden behind it.). Because E85 require a bit more fuel to combustion chamber to start and run (It runs no problem on HOT engine tho). I found one of blog from "Gas saver" and one guy mentioned that he use E85 on his mower for 5 years and never had problems, NO parts CONVERSION. He said it smells sweet.

I guess it's worth it! LOL

The trick is that be sure to fill 1/2 tank of E85 in mower. If you are having problem starting mower. Just fill another 1/2 with Gasoline and swish it (use handlebar and lift up and down or shake sideway to mix fuel). Then Mower should be able to start right up. It depend on make and model of mower. It's not GONNA to hurt tho. ~~Don't sue me for giving you advice~~!! It's your own risk tho.

Another post:

LOL. I found more information. I was correct on two things. To start mower, you must set it to FULL choke to fire up (you probably see throttle icon showing "choke" after full throttle in some model). Once it's warmed up, open it up to full throttle. If it start to be weak or dying, you can always bump it closer to Full throttle/Choke without closing choke completely. Secondly, If mower have jet on it's carburater side, you would need to tweak it by unscrew it about 1/2 turns or a bit more w/ motor running to acheive top speed and starts easier. IT's kinda technicial BUT good for those who know about engine. E85 on engine also may need to "advance" the timing a bit which is more technicial issue that I don't want to discuss further tho.

E85 do have issue with plastic, seal ect on mower. Because of it's alcohol by nature, it's corrosive to some metal, can "melt" some plastics or eat some rubbers. so best try on old mower you don't plan to keep.

Remember that your mower, tiller, generator, and anything runs by small engine designed differently.. So you must decide if you want to screw it or not.

To date: As I mentioned about choke in my mower was not fully closed. I fixed the problem. Now, my mower starts up instantly and ran great with choke closed. (My mower been in garage through the night and I got home from work and decide to fix the choke which is 10 min job.). The jet in carbuerator was plugged. I can see round tin thing capped on it. I decide not to bother with it for now since I got choke fixed. I will test mower today by cold starting the mower again. I did the inspection on the gas tank to see if plastic become softened or not. I prodded the bottom of tank with long screwdriver. It seem solid like it was before. I do not see any leaks coming out of fuel line either.

As for 2 cycle engines like weed eaters, chain saws, boat motors. ANYTHING that MIX with OIL.. It'll runs on that BUT!!!! Remember that Ethanol are like water and oil floats, if you allow sit there for a week, It'll become separated. You must shake it VIRGIOUSLY to RE-MIX the OIL/Fuel or pour it back in gas can and shake it hard and pour back in tank. It is like vegetable oil floating on water (Italian dressing). If you do not, You'll damage 2 cycle engine!!

Any questions?
Fire away!!


PS: I have been google searching for information and done my homework all night by using my work workstation hee hee hee (shhh!!).
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""The trick is that be sure to fill 1/2 tank of E85 in mower. If you are having problem starting mower. Just fill another 1/2 with Gasoline and swish it (use handlebar and lift up and down or shake sideway to mix fuel). Then Mower should be able to start right up. It depend on make and model of mower. It's not GONNA to hurt tho. ~~Don't sue me for giving you advice~~!! It's your own risk tho.""

I forgot to add that from recent post... read below..

Once the mixed fuel (E-85 and Unleaded) is empty, fill it with Unleaded and mower should get back to normal run.

This is only for the first timer basis if you're a NoOb. Or if you have a panoid mower owner LOL.

Well, E-85 eat more than gasoline by average 5mpg but E-85 get more HP. Ethanol is good for racer.

Question. Why USA don't have propane so much? I think propane is cheaper than diesel and high MPG. Most Europe use propane and around 40-50mpg for most cars.
Here is the potential problem with E-85. It uses corn. Most people don't realize how many products corn is used in. You would be amazed that corn is used in almost everything that we use.

Education - A Zillions Uses for Corn!

Corn is a commodity which means the price is dictated by supply and demand. When the demand increases, and the supply chain can't keep up, then the prices go up. What that means is that the prices of all of the products that use corn will also increase. IF every vehicle on the planet used this alternate fuel it would create a demand that would drive the prices of everything through the roof.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Personally I think we should use something hydro because of the abundance of water on the planet. No short supply there
Yeah. Few of my coworkers complained about products corn. He said same thing as you said about hydro. One of them kind angry to me when I told him. Just plant the corn at your backyard.
Well, E-85 eat more than gasoline by average 5mpg but E-85 get more HP. Ethanol is good for racer.

Question. Why USA don't have propane so much? I think propane is cheaper than diesel and high MPG. Most Europe use propane and around 40-50mpg for most cars.

Yes I am fully aware of Ethanol on cars or any engine have low gas mileage.

I can easily convert mower to Propane by buying a regulator/carbeuator. I've had experience helping my friend replace forklift carb. It is sooo simple tho. Problem is that size of propane tank taking up room on mower. Neighbor think you are just nerdy LOL. I'm not ashame to use it tho. If I had that regulator/carbeurator in hand, I would in any chance will use it.

Yeah. Few of my coworkers complained about products corn. He said same thing as you said about hydro. One of them kind angry to me when I told him. Just plant the corn at your backyard. .

Wow sheesh It's none of their business. I know some people get angry over it as it were personal to them LOL. I wouldn't care cuz it's mean and cold world out there and you just want to get cheaper fuel at the pump anyway. What choice do you have IF Ethanol are everywhere!! Missouri just passed the law requiring E85 pump on every gas pumps so who know it'll become common. I live close by Stateline of Missouri tho.

Hydrogen would be useful. I recently watched "Eco-Tech" show on SCI channel last tuesday. I learned something new way to produce Hydrogen. No need electrolysis (like the way you overcharges car battery to produce hydrogen). It's Aluminuim and Galluim placed in bowl and pour water in. Water would violently reacts to both metal combined and produce hydrogen. It's a promising fuel. Aluminuim is everywhere and is cheap. Gallium?? I don't know where to find it. If I ever had both metals on hand, I would go for it and power mower with Hydrogen. All you need is reaction chamber (4 inch dia short pcv pipe and caps), water tank, water pump (use windshield pump), pressure guage, backflow preventer (one way valve), Flameback preventer (commonly used for welding equiptment, cheap to buy) and valve and lastly, battery to power the water pump. Then you can rig hose to mower carbeurator and fire er up.

Problem with Hydrogen is that it can cause alloy metal (pot metal, aluminuim/zinc, ect) become brittle. Hydrogen does steeps through metal. If you happen to have iron sleeved cylinder and use ceramic treatment on piston (paint ceramic coat on top of piston and bake it in ceramic oven to dry it). Then you're safe to go. But you have to be aware that Hydrogen turns back into water once it's combusted. It'll rust the muffler. So you'll have to build or find stainless steel muffler. It would be a cleanest source of energy.

Gallium is soft metal. Melts in room temrature. I read about Maganese Oxide pellets can be used in place. I would have to research more tho. I would obtain it if it's available in my area and if it's not expensive tho. Problem with Aluminuim is that water can coat Aluminuim w/ oxide. Either scrape clean the aluminuim or drop in fresh one. They do not say how long aluminuim become oxidated before it become "clogged".

There are battery powered mower in use today. I saw two different electric mowers on TV ads. One use 60V battery (Remington brand). I would not trust using battery cuz of it's short lifespan if charge/discharge cycles over 500 times. Cost too much to replace rechargeable batteries. Also My lawn is 10,000 sq ft and it would take 4 to 6 batteries changes to finish the lawn. Not worth it.

I was thinking that if I had 12vdc or 24v dc 2 or 3 hp electric motor, I would have try "backfeeding" system to keep mower running long time or forever LOL. Just like self propelled mower that have pulley and blade on it's shaft. Do same thing on electric motor and use cute little alternator (I found Ford Fiesta's small alternator size of hand!! cute!) rigged to shaft pulley. Then hook alternator directly to battery and battery hook to motor.


If there are no 2 or 3 hp DC motor, The I would use alternative are 12vdc/120vac inverter in place to power 120v 2 or 3 hp AC motor. They do sells 700 watt to 2,000 watt inverters.

Problem is that there may be a drag on alternator cuz it act like "electric brake" if full load are being place on alternator. Thus will weakens charging system anyway and everything else would crash.. Can use permanent magnet generator in place.

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Back to E85 topic!,

today, like I mentioned that I fixed the choke on carbeurator. I just fired up mower with full choke just one easy pull. It roars to life and ran great. I let it warm up then bumped it to full throttle, the engine started to weaken but still runs. I bumped it back a little to partly close the choke and it runs strong. I forgot that I re-gapped the sparkplug to .20mm or .15mm yesterday. I will have to re-gap it back to standard .30 so It'll run normal on full throttle. I plan to remove carbeurator jet cap to adjust the jet soon to set it to optimal performance.

Seem like my mower love E85 as it were a new drink LOL.

I believe that your mower may work with E85.

I forgot the whole time my mower engine is a Brigg & Stratton 4hp Quantuim engine. So I can't promise that yours would work the same.

Yes I am fully aware of Ethanol on cars or any engine have low gas mileage.

I can easily convert mower to Propane by buying a regulator/carbeuator. I've had experience helping my friend replace forklift carb. It is sooo simple tho. Problem is that size of propane tank taking up room on mower. Neighbor think you are just nerdy LOL. I'm not ashame to use it tho. If I had that regulator/carbeurator in hand, I would in any chance will use it.

I thought most forklift use propane (good for big warehouse and outdoor) and battery (good for small warehouse and always indoor) Forklift used gasoline?
Back to E85 topic!,

today, like I mentioned that I fixed the choke on carbeurator. I just fired up mower with full choke just one easy pull. It roars to life and ran great. I let it warm up then bumped it to full throttle, the engine started to weaken but still runs. I bumped it back a little to partly close the choke and it runs strong. I forgot that I re-gapped the sparkplug to .20mm or .15mm yesterday. I will have to re-gap it back to standard .30 so It'll run normal on full throttle. I plan to remove carbeurator jet cap to adjust the jet soon to set it to optimal performance.

Seem like my mower love E85 as it were a new drink LOL.

I believe that your mower may work with E85.

I forgot the whole time my mower engine is a Brigg & Stratton 4hp Quantuim engine. So I can't promise that yours would work the same.


Too bad my area don't have E85 but E15.
Interesting information you shared with us about E85. I read about the Chevy Tahoe flexfuel that runs on E85 got 13 mpg and regular gas 18 mpg. It's more expensive to run on E85 than on gasoline because of fenquent refuels than gasoline. E85 is NOT a solution due to more expense on the trip and in other tests say that E85 is not much less polluting than unleaded gas. I dunno why, though. I don't want to see cars get worse gas mileage but want to see better gas mileage AND better for environment which will help lessen the demand of fuel.

Propane is zero emission fuel, I believe due that they can drive a propane powered forklift indoors.
Interesting information you shared with us about E85. I read about the Chevy Tahoe flexfuel that runs on E85 got 13 mpg and regular gas 18 mpg. It's more expensive to run on E85 than on gasoline because of fenquent refuels than gasoline. E85 is NOT a solution due to more expense on the trip and in other tests say that E85 is not much less polluting than unleaded gas. I dunno why, though. I don't want to see cars get worse gas mileage but want to see better gas mileage AND better for environment which will help lessen the demand of fuel.

Propane is zero emission fuel, I believe due that they can drive a propane powered forklift indoors.

Yup I ageed. E85 tend to have low mileage on cars and trucks. If you happen to be in the area where they don't sell Unleaded but E85 then use it for temporary till you find Unleaded.

They do have propane conversion kit but cost $$ and also you'll have to figure out where to put Propane tank. Most of the time, Propane tank is almost as big as 20 or 30 gallon trash can. It may be heavy to remove to replace with full tank. Unless there are gas station that have propane refilling station ready. Then it's worth it.

E85 would require newer car than 2000 but if you own old car like 1992 then no E85 support, unless you change the new parts to support it.
Interesting information you shared with us about E85. I read about the Chevy Tahoe flexfuel that runs on E85 got 13 mpg and regular gas 18 mpg. It's more expensive to run on E85 than on gasoline because of fenquent refuels than gasoline. E85 is NOT a solution due to more expense on the trip and in other tests say that E85 is not much less polluting than unleaded gas. I dunno why, though. I don't want to see cars get worse gas mileage but want to see better gas mileage AND better for environment which will help lessen the demand of fuel.

Propane is zero emission fuel, I believe due that they can drive a propane powered forklift indoors.

Odd. I still smell gas from forklife
Glad u brought up this E-85 topic.... E-85 fuels could be used in ALL if change the carburetor jets and regap the spark plugs or get new E-85 spark plugs I did with my yard pick up truck 1989 Chevy C-10 it hums just fine...
Glad u brought up this E-85 topic.... E-85 fuels could be used in ALL if change the carburetor jets and regap the spark plugs or get new E-85 spark plugs I did with my yard pick up truck 1989 Chevy C-10 it hums just fine...

Yup good job!! LOL Let me know if you had some problem with E85 eating away rubber gaskets or melt plastics (if your truck leaking fuel on one of the area). How long did you been using E85 on ur truck? I know it'll work with most OLD cars before 1990 that have Carbeurator and some hoses replacement to work with E85.

Pacman, Yes, I'm fully aware of it. car's old and probably over 100k miles. People wouldn't care if it runs a rustbucket junker :giggle:. I know replacing fuel Pump and some hoses to convert it to E85 BUT there are kits for E85 conversion such as FlexTek. That's for Non-E85 Fuel Injection cars and trucks only. All you have to do is to unplug FI jack and plug it to "black box" then "blackbox"'s jack to FI. This would allow FI to open longer to put in more E85 to combustion chamber. If any auto parts do not sell Fuel pump that is compatible with E85 for some model car or truck, I'm sure there are External fuel pump compatible with E85 that would take it's place. There will be wiring work for pump. That's only if anyone want to keep their precious car longer.

I would have gut to run old cars with E85 LOL (IT'll be a fun experiment tho). My brother's friend put in jet fuel in 70's station wagon and floored it. Tires spins like crazy and caught on fire. They were trying to destroy it and junk it for fun of it. I had a blast time using sledge hammer with group of my brother's friend to flatten the station wagon LOL.

I thought most forklift use propane (good for big warehouse and outdoor) and battery (good for small warehouse and always indoor) Forklift used gasoline?

You are absolutely correct. They do use propane for outdoor or big warehouse and electric one for indoor. My work have many forklifts run on electric. Gasoline powered Forklift, There are diesel and gasoline power forklifts. Commonly used in some area out in the farm area or country (far from city) where Propane is not obtainable or can't afford to use propane.

I've driven skylift which was used for lift composite roof package or construction materials to roof. I used to work at heavy machine shop to repair Hydralics and engines ect for one year. Skylift had hydralic problem and was fixed. (it's like a part tractor/ part forklift. The big tractor wheels is on front w/ axle, steerable small wheels on rear. Look like a backward tractor. Forklift is on front.. It's a really UGLY Beast with 16 speed transmission!). It runs on gasoline.

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Here is the potential problem with E-85. It uses corn. Most people don't realize how many products corn is used in. You would be amazed that corn is used in almost everything that we use.

Education - A Zillions Uses for Corn!

Corn is a commodity which means the price is dictated by supply and demand. When the demand increases, and the supply chain can't keep up, then the prices go up. What that means is that the prices of all of the products that use corn will also increase. IF every vehicle on the planet used this alternate fuel it would create a demand that would drive the prices of everything through the roof.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Personally I think we should use something hydro because of the abundance of water on the planet. No short supply there
:popcorn:Popcorn will skyrocket to $8.00 per bag:popcorn: