A Question About SSI


Nov 20, 2004
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I have a question about SSI. Do Social Security count a Roth IRA as a resource? In other words, would my Roth IRA count against me if I apply for SSI?
When I helped my mom apply like 5 years ago that wasnt part of the questionare. You should be able to do the basic application online and find out.
If it were SSI, yes they would count ROTH IRA that is considered as SSI's income resource. If you make more than 2,000 on ROTH IRA then SSI will deny your application. However, social security disability benefit would not be counted since you paid SS taxes if you did work in the past then you may be eligible for SSDI (SS disability benefit), not Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Frisky Feline is correct...

I want add about that one, it include anything valuable than 2,000 such as your car or retirement or anything that worth or have more than 2,000 dollar. They will deny SSI.

SSDI is different story, you may want review with agent if apply one. SSDI are various incomes with individual with several benefit depend on your condition. SSDI that allow you to do whatever you want but don't let that replace as your retirement or for life. SSDI is secure that something we want that grow in future once we got job and better. In rare case that I know someone who happen out of blue new born quality for SSDI.

If you have more question as I talk with my agent in few month ago as why do Deaf people complaint between SSDI or SSI. They say... SSI isn't your secure income... SSDI is your secure because you worked and SSDI is better than SSI. However; who is working hard and unexpect in life such as lay off or illness took over your life such as kidney or cancer or so on as 'advantage' for being disability due Deafness. Course; they want you rest and get recovery speedy to return trace with both feet. I encourage you to talk with agent in person with any question beside over the phone will not be friendly.
uh, SSA will not ask for it (TSP, 401K, etc). However, if you have Medicare/medicaid, you'll have to wait 2 years if you're on SSDI to get Medicare/medicaid
I would like to know about SS, not SSI. I was told that I could get a job if I have SS. I had SSI a couple of years ago. The problem is when you have a job for four or six months, then SSI would be automatically stopped.

Will I able to have Roth IRA awhile I'm on SS?

Off the record: I think that SSI is a big risk because the government takes away your house. SS is different. Medicare and SS are ok. Medicaid, in Mass, is a huge risk and it is definitely takes away your home when you dies and the adult-children will have to look for a new home. But, if you really need the Medicaid, then you should keep it whatever you need it.