Online school


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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I'm wondering if the online schools are suppose to accomodate the deaf student no matter what? I got accepted to be part of the program. Once they found out I'm deaf, they emailed me and refused to let me enrolled because their softwares do not have the features to make this possible. They knew there were other programs with the features but they chose the software that doesn't have the features to meet their needs.

It's an animation school specifically Are they within their rights by refusing having to accomodate the deaf? Is there ADA law for online schools that they must accommodate deaf students? I'm not sure if ADA still applies to online school. Please let me know if it's still within my right to attend. I want to fight for my rights to have the equal opportunity to learn animation just like everybody else. Who should I contact to make things right?
Even if there isn't a law, you should fight for your rights, they can't just refuse your apply just because you're deaf, if you were... I don't know... 12? well, it's obvious you can't get into that kind of programs because you're too young or something, but not because you're deaf. Fight for it!

And don't forget to Introduce Yourself - so we all can meet you and help you :)
I think they are private and for profit. I also don't think you have any right to attend a college, unless it is a state college and you are in a certain upper percent of your high school graduating class.

So they are perfectly free to reject you.
I took one online course ten years ago for a prequesite requirement for a MS degree. I successfully passed the course (mostly writing and answering questions). I am surprised that you are denied to take any online courses. I don't know how to answer your question. I suggest you to contact NAD for some questions regarding to online courses?
The question I have is...does it apply to online schools as well?

This is an interesting question. It may fall between the cracks of access to education and access to online media. I've sent you a private message for more details.
I will be starting my online class on Monday. I had to fight to get an interpreter for the 4 times we will meet face to face because it was from the public school systems not through a college although it is a grad level class. However, they said nothing about denying me the course because of my deafness. I know sooo many deaf people who have taken online courses so I will ask around if they had any similiar problems as you did.