"Turn your Hearing Aid up!"


Oct 14, 2006
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Is it nice for a boss to tell you to turn your hearing aid up in front of workers. The workers laughed of course. That's embarrassing. Perhaps a hearing dog would help.
no, i'ts not nice. infact, it's rude and uncalle d for. why the need fora hearng dog?

<cts boerhering me sorry for typos>?
It is very degrading of your boss to do that and u can file a discrimination complaint against him.
no, i'ts not nice. infact, it's rude and uncalled for. why the need fora hearing dog?

Actually, I told that person, the next time I come, I'll bring my hearing dog so the dog will nudge me when I'm being called from a distance. He never heard of a hearing dog and asked me if I really had one or if there's such thing. No, I don't have one but I could get one if it's that important to respond to a call from a short distance. My directional hearing really works, eliminating sounds from behind and I like that setting. I was wondering if I could find a dog that will recognize, "Turn your hearing aid up" and have the dog to run to his office and rub his butt on his carpet.
Document what happend and file a complaint against your boss to his/her boss.
Where in the ADA documents that states such rudeness might not be nice

Would have to look it up but I have heard of people filing complaints against employers or coworkers for discrimination remarks. U cant file a lawsuit but u can file a complaint. Your call.
Actually, I told that person, the next time I come, I'll bring my hearing dog so the dog will nudge me when I'm being called from a distance. He never heard of a hearing dog and asked me if I really had one or if there's such thing. No, I don't have one but I could get one if it's that important to respond to a call from a short distance. My directional hearing really works, eliminating sounds from behind and I like that setting. I was wondering if I could find a dog that will recognize, "Turn your hearing aid up" and have the dog to run to his office and rub his butt on his carpet.

idon't underatand what you maen by the bolded text/ could youe exsplain? thanks.
... My directional hearing really works, eliminating sounds from behind and I like that setting....

don't understand what you mean by the bolded text/ could you explain? thanks.

It's a hearing aid with two microphones. The main one in the front and another one in the back. The one in the back are faced behind. If the microphone in the back picks up sound BEFORE it hits the front microphone, then the hearing aid will know that the sound is coming front behind. The hearing aid will try to reduce background sounds like noise. If the sound reaches the front before it reaches the back, then the aid will know it's coming from the front and will not filter it.
It's a hearing aid with two microphones. The main one in the front and another one in the back. The one in the back are faced behind. If the microphone in the back picks up sound BEFORE it hits the front microphone, then the hearing aid will know that the sound is coming front behind. The hearing aid will try to reduce background sounds like noise. If the sound reaches the front before it reaches the back, then the aid will know it's coming from the front and will not filter it.

oic. :ty: for the epxlaination. smile.
Document what happend and file a complaint against your boss to his/her boss.

By all means document, document, document! Day, date, time of day, other employees hearing it and then report it to the EEOE officer at the company. This person may also be the HR director.
Try to get it resolved with the company first before running to nearest lawyer's office.....
Try to get it resolved with the company first before running to nearest lawyer's office.....

Yes, because this isn't really so much an ADA issue, as simply an issue of a rude and insensitive boss.
Yes, because this isn't really so much an ADA issue, as simply an issue of a rude and insensitive boss.

...not to mentn the fact that you cld end up losing you r job if you file an ada complant and sue. i'd try to reosolvethis issue by talking to the responsible parties first bfore doing anything els e.
Is it nice for a boss to tell you to turn your hearing aid up in front of workers. The workers laughed of course. That's embarrassing. Perhaps a hearing dog would help.

he sounds like a jerk. Make sure you save up an insult for him. Find out what he is self concios about and tease him.
You could also let him know directly that it bothered you. How about playing it up as "if the wrong person overhears, your tone could be misconstrued as discriminatory and a complaint filed" That way you're not accusing him of anything, but stressing the inappropriateness of the comment. Most people don't realize how stupid they're being. I had a professor last semester who was incredibly inappropriate with my use of a FM system. She was constantly saying "Can you hear me?" (like a Verizon commercial!) and announced to the class on the first day that she needed to wear a "special microphone" for me! She announced my name to the class! I repeatedly told her to please stop and that I'd let her know if I needed help, but it got to be too much hassle. I reported her to the office of disabilities on campus and the director wasn't thrilled. I dropped the class and I'm using interpreters this semester - MUCH easier!
yeah, its a tough balance. You dont want to come off as thin skinned but at the same time you dont want the boss to undermine your position within the company. Like giving other employees the idea that its pointless to talk to you cuz youll never hear them anyway.

Then other employees might start to ignore you and work around you. Giving you a bad reputation and affecting your usefullness to the company. Ruling out any chance of moving up in the company. I bet it happens pretty often

At my last job, a couple of co-workers made fun of my deaf accent. I did not like it at all. To me its the equivalent of calling a black person the n-word.
Back then in 1980's, I used to work for Bonanza BBQ pit as a busboy. What pissed me off that manager tell me to turn up my hearing aid so I can hear him call me. I told him it doesn't work that way cuz turning up the volume would absorbs lot of background noise and drowns out his voice when I hear it. I refused to turn it up. He left me alone. Gladly the restaurant went out of biz in next couple months.

No family member, friends, or bosses should ever tell you to turn up your hearing aid! They got to understand that the consequence of turning up volume making it worst. Not everyone can pick up person calling their name in midist of background noise.

With my CI, I can now tell the difference between background noise and person calling my name while I had my CI switch to Auto-Sensitivity. I had co worker calling my name by surprise and I turned around and he was just testing me if I can hear him. I told him I hear you! :lol:

BUT not to my co worker who had exact same CI like I have and I called him loud and clear "Paaat Paaat Paat!!" when he walked by my machine just few feet away, he kept walking like it never happen. I asked him if he heard me calling out his name when he walked by my machine. He said can't tell difference between background noise and his name called.

In fact it depends on individual with hearing loss. Some are lucky that they can turn up HA or CI to hear better while others don't.

Don't let anyone tell you to turn up volume on your HA or CI. Just decline!!
