Administrative stuff for people in France


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
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I started to deal with this topic here : - View Single Post - Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?
So I preferred to separate the topics because we started to go off topic.

In France, you have now only one organism which cares for disabled people : MDPH (Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées). Before, you had one for children, CDES (Commission Départementale d'Education Spéciale) and one for adults, COTOREP (COmmission Technique d'Orientation et de REclassemment Professionnel
They have been put together in one same organism, as for children as for adults.

The disability income for children was called AES (Allocation d'Education Spéciale) and now it is called AEEH (Allocation d'Education de l'Enfant Handicapé). For adults, the name of the disability income is the same, it is called AAH (Allocation Adulte Handicapé).
Now the assessment is the RQTH (Reconnaissance de Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé), before it was the RTH (Reconnaissance Travailleur Handicapé), and before there used to be categories in function of the disability importance.

I asked a RQTH (Reconnaissance de Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé, it's an assessment for disabled people to work) in order to pursue my studies in good conditions.
So here I am with a lot of papers to fill. Three times the same pages of identification to fill, the certificate to make fill by my doctors (my psychiatrist had nearly screamed when she saw it), the life project.... I had the impression to make useless papers.
Not so useless because I had my RQTH for 5 years, including as well my Single Sided Deafness and my psychical problem.

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